Monday, July 6, 2009

Paintball Gun Reviews

Hey just found a site that does reviews on paintball guns, check it out!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Paintball Pod Packs Review Site

Alright, now this is a different kind of post than any of my other ones, in this post I'm going to talk about a site i found about Pod Packs. First off though for any of you that don't know, pod packs are the harnesses and small plastic containers paintball players wear on the field so that they don't run out of paint. Pod packs are used simply by putting paint in the pod before you go onto the field so you can have a quick refill of paint on the field. Now this site is a review site and it reviews different pod packs and shows any customer reviews about each one. To me i thought it was pretty cool and i liked the fact that if i wanted pod packs i could simply review them and see which one works best for me. Here is thelink check it out :

Monday, May 25, 2009


Alright your tank contains either C02, or compressed air, depending on what you buy. More and more people are coming to compressed air nowadays because unlike C02 the pressure doesn't change in hot or cold temperatures. Although air tanks cost more than a C02 they give a more constant pressure on them, also a C02 tank cannot be used on an electric powered gun, as it will freeze the electronics, whereas air can be used in all types of guns. Price wise a C02 tank depending on size can range anywhere from $20 to $60, while compressed air can cost from $50 to $230 for the top Carbon Fiber air tanks.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009


Speedball is becoming more and more popular today in paintballing because of its high tension and quick play. It is a completely different way of playing, you play speedball in a smaller area than woodsball, speedball fields are filled mostly with inflatable obstacles placed in the designated "arena". Most often, speedball is played in tournaments, which are where the fame and glory of paintballing is. With pro teams and big sponsors it has become a full time career. Playing speedball is not as simple as you might think, it is a very fast paced intense game where staying hidden is one of your greatest weapons, whereas in woodsball you can run between hiding spots fairly easy because of the cover that the trees and brush provide. Speedball Guns are also completely different. They are for the most part, smaller, lighter, electric guns that shoot ballsat a more excessive speed. You can customize certain woodsball guns to work as decent speedball guns, but they are not as fast or light, i would suggest buying a gun for speedball if you are considering starting up in it. The dual trigger is one of the features that distinguish a speedball from a woodsball, speedballs contain a trigger with two 

finger placements so that you can press each finger at different times to get twice the rate of fire.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

How to Buy and Select Cheap Paintball Guns

You should never give up value over the quality of paintball safety equipment, paintball guns are available today at reasonable prices and with a wide variety of interesting features.

When deciding what paintball gun is best for you, be realistic and determine your “skill level”. If your a beginner, and do not know how often you will be playing, begin with an cheaper gun.

Deciding which features you need and want on your paintball gun is hard to pick, I would suggest borrowing markers from your friends and trying them on different paintball fields to get a feal for what you like. After you have decided on the features you want then you can start shopping for your gun.

While playing for fun is great, there is not really a good reason to spend a lot of money as there are many recreational guns of good quality that are not expensive. Note that there are also some reallt lousy quality markers out there, so you need to do your research before you buy to be sure that the marker your buying is going to work and be worth what you payed for it.

When you are going to play in tournaments, determine which type of tournament it is you will be entering. If you are going to play in smaller tournaments you can use a less expensive marker or upgrade your old one instead of having to buy an expensive marker you don't need.
However, in larger tournaments, you will need an “electro-pneumatic” or a “blow-forward” gun, which costs a minimum of $350.

The price of markers depends mainly on the gun’s pressure system as well as its accessories. The most popular system today is the “carbon dioxide pressure system” normally used in the less expensive markers.
The biggest disadvantage is that usually the carbon dioxide’s performance is influenced by the temperature outside, and changes from its gas state to liquid resulting in velocity instability that affects the accuracy of your shot.

Serious paintball players use “high-pressure air and nitrogen system” markers that are much more accurate because the nitrogen will never liquefy. Having this characteristic, these markers cost more money.

Extra accessories also increase the cost of your marker. A loader or hopper is a necessary accessory. It is a container that feeds paintballs into the gun. Hoppers are available in many varieties - some are powered and automated. Fast and lightweight hoppers are more expensive.

Just keep in mind that the any marker that you purchase will not be perfect and will ultimately have flaws. So when purchasing your marker, always double check your choices and purchase a gun only if you know that its what you really want.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Basic Equipment - Guns - Bushball

Alright, your gun is probably the hardest thing to decide on, there are so many different brands and types it can get quite mind boggling, so I'm going to write a few blogs posts about the pros and cons of each gun type starting with this one.

Bush ball Guns
Bush ball guns are the kind of gun you will see most people using, they are not the tiny little double trigger guns, those are speed ball, they usually come with a one finger trigger, and don't shoot the quickest, but the nice thing about a bush ball is the customization ability it presents. the bush balls can be upgraded in tons of different ways to make them just the right gun for you. Plus Bush balls can be modified with a double trigger to give you the rapid fire of a speed ball. They are usually heavier and larger than other types of guns, but are also very accurate.
overall bush balls are great guns, they are less cost effective using less paint then a speed ball gun, but also take more strategy to use.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Basic Equipment - Your Mask

The paintball mask is one of the most important items you will buy, so don't skimp out! A paintball mask protects your face and neck from being hit and you from being hurt, some cover better than others, its a wise choice to get one that covers part of your throat, because that is the one place where you can be permanently damaged from paintballing. A lot of masks come with "Anti-Fog" lenses, which stop masks form fogging up in the middle of a round, which is the most annoying and frustrating thing that could happen, you can't play properly and you can't lift your mask to wipe it. So Definitely go with an "Anti-Fog" mask, it is a bit more costly, but more than pays makes up for it in effectiveness, also the more expensive masks tend to fit much more comfortably than the cheaper ones, which gives you another reason to choose spending a bit more on your mask.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

What is paintballing?

Paintballing to a lot of people is just running around shooting paint at people, and for some hat is what it is, but paintballing is a real sport, and it takes more than running around Rambo style to win. Teams play in tournaments and it takes a lot of strategy to win, they aren't the best because of the gun they are using, it's because they worked together to beat the other team. The idea of paintball being a frantic waste of money, is completely off base, sure its fun to go for a day once in awhile to just let off some steam, but its also about teamwork, stealth and precision. Give it a try, don't let what other people are saying stop you from trying it out, most paintball fields provide rental equipment if you don't have your own, so you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! 

Monday, February 16, 2009

Hey there, my name is Nathan, and i want to Welcome you to my blog.
I wanted the world to know about one of my favorite sports, paintball, and thats the reason for writing this blog, to get people inerested and hopefully, get a few new faces out on the field.